Your Superpower Should Be Mind Reading |
You are brilliant, insightful, and intuitive. You understand people better than they would like to be understood. Highly sensitive, you are good at putting together seemingly irrelevant details. You figure out what's going on before anyone knows that anything is going on! Why you would be a good superhero: You don't care what people think, and you'd do whatever needed to be done Your biggest problem as a superhero: Feeling even more isolated than you do now |
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My Super-Power
Monday, October 29, 2007
Quiz Your Friends
Here's a Quiz for You on
CLICK on the link below or PASTE it into your browser.
Happy Quizzing!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Halloween Photos 1
Captain on the way home. He was all tuckered out. Look at him and his cute little puppy babies.
The banana costume was really easy to make. I took an X-Small t-shirt from Target ($10). I cut off the sleeves at about the elbow. Then, I hand stitched a little hem on the sleeves and then gathered the sleeves so that her hands wouldn't get lost in the fabric. I took one of the sleeves that I cut and stitched around the finished end and gathered that together to make the top of the banana. The unfinished end stretched really well and fit her head. I put cream colored tights and onesie on under the outfit and away we went.
The other costumes were not so creative. I was a black cat: black clothes, purchased tail and ears ($10). Fundi was a Gorilla Brown-Bagging It: a dress shirt and tie, purchased gorilla mask and hands ($20). Captain was a puppy: Black cords, white onesie, brown shoes, puppy costume purchased at a garage sale ($3). I did buy makeup for my whiskers ($4). So, for under $50, our whole family celebrated Halloween. We will use the costumes again on Wednesday night for Trick-or-Treating. I can't wait! My sister E is supposed to be coming with her 2 in 12s who are the same age as Captain and Burbles.
Photos and Comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I love my kids
They have been behaving well today and I hope it carries into tonight. We will be attending our first Halloween party this evening at a nice house (we were there already today and Captain did part of his investigating) that has lots of things for Captain to explore. I hope that he doesn't frighten at the costumes. I hope Burbles doesn't either, for that matter. That is the one things, I guess, is not knowing what the reaction might be when we actually get there.
Burbles has started to lift her hand and put it down again while in the all-fours position. I think this means that she will be on the move soon.
I am excited about the costumes for tonight. I'll post pictures and you'll have to tell me what you think. My costume isn't anything interesting, really, but all of the other costumes are cute. I made Burbles' costume this afternoon while both of the kids were napping (I don't know how that happened... if I did, don't you think I would get it to happen more often?). I made it. That's right, all by myself... you'll see. I kinda got the idea from a magazine that said to make costumes out of oversized shirts.
Last night, Fundi and I went to the nearest big city and went to Menards. We shopped and shopped. Finally, we walked out of there with lots and lots and lots of flourescent light bulbs---not the long, skinny ones, but the ones for home lighting. Did you know that they now make flourescent lighting for flood lights, dimmable flood lights, dimmable regular lighting, and three-way lights. In our effort to save money, we had to spend money, but I was assured by the packaging that over the life of each bulb I would save exorbitant amounts of money. I sure hope that it is true... and that I am helping the environment.
I'm terribly excited to carve pumpkins. I now have tracked down five pumpkin carving books. This may seem ridiculous, but we plan on carving pumpkins for a long, long time with our kids, so give me a break. I'm excited.
I have to go... something weird is going on with my computer... I will let you know what it is. Alice, that email that you sent about a quiz that you created... when I opened that, it started freaking my computer out. I suggest you run a spysweep program as well as an anti-virus. I'll let you know what my system finds. Oh, and I agree, it probably was the moon.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk
The theme for today is: I don't know what is the matter with us.
Ever since the three of us woke up today, it seems like something is wrong. The kids have been ugly and crying all day and that makes me feel ugly and (like) crying all day. They have been clingy and I don't particularly like awrnry crying clingy kids today. I guess it is just one of those days when I wish I could be anywhere but here. I usually don't have those days. I usually just love being at home with the kids and just enjoying watching them learn and grow and become who they will become. Fundi has been working overtime all this month and spending lots of time at work and not so much time here. We need the money. I'm so glad that he was able to do this this month. At the same time, it is the end of the month and I feel fried. My sanity is almost extinct and I feel like I would be happier right now working at a factory doing monotonous work (just for today). Yesterday Captain took a couple big tumbles and I wonder if that isn't the reason for his crabbiness today? Burbles seems to be drooling more than normal. I wonder if she is getting another tooth? Both of them want to take up residence on my lap. Neither of them wants to share that lap. Burbles is enjoying pulling Captain's hair and Captain keeps "patting" Burbles on the back. Before they were fighting over the strings on my hooded sweatshirt, so that had to come off. I will be so happy to have Fundi back to working just his shifts. Yeah, the money is nice, but we enjoy having him around. The kids like me better when Fundi is around. I like me better when Fundi is around. I like the kids better when Fundi is around. As I type, the kids are patting the computer in unison. They are together on my lap. They are both whining. ughhhhh... write more later
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A new name for M
The Zoo
Here are the photos from the zoo trip:
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Christmas...among other things
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Weekend
Saturday was a whole lotta fun. I dropped the kids at Grumpa's house and went to the scrapbook gathering (not code for making out) from 10am-8pm. I did go home twice. The first time was to meet the lady who sold the Usborne books and the second time was to see Fundi and the kids in the afternoon before Fundi left for work. We had some good laughs at Croptoberfest.
Talk more later. Going shopping with my sister B to look for costumes and groceries and perhaps fabric for my slings :) YEAH!
These seem to be good rules to know and follow even if having a friendly conversation--especially with people you haven't seen in a while or know little about your current situation.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Moving Forward.... Literally
In other news:
The six month and eighteen month check-ups went well. Dr. Loo (as Captain calls him) says that everything looks great and that both kids look wonderful. He even said that it was the easiest 18 month check-up that he has ever done. (That is what he said at the 12 month check-up.) Both kids survived the shots. And my sister B and I survived the longerthanlong day in the pouring rain with four kids in car seats. (Niece M, sister-in-law J's girl, and Nephew WDW, Sister B's boy, came with.)
I have started shopping online. Not just a little shopping, but I will be seeing the UPS guy three times in the next week. I ordered diapers and swipers, sling rings, and a Pumpkin Carving Book. How exciting.
You know what, Jennie, remember when you had the idea for a blogging system that would just read your thoughts and channel them into a blog? Well, I would like one of those. Yesterday, right before I headed off for a nap with Burbles, I had this oh-so-clever blog thought out. Except that Burbles was already sleeping on my lap and I was kinda getting drowsy, so I didn't get up and go write it. That means that today, as I sit here trying to remember what I was thinking about writing, I am getting frustrated.
Captain got his daily dose of licopene yesterday... drinking two little cups of catsup... pictures to follow. Sister-in-law J, please please let me post them. :)
Gotta go to Croptober Fest. Write more later.
To Jenny