The babies are doing well. We went to the Dells this past weekend and all four of us slept in the same room. Captain slept in the closet where it was dark in the pack-and-play and Burbles slept in the Boppy on a chair. We called Captain "Harry Potter" for the weekend, but he didn't seem to mind sleeping in the closet. It was dark and quiet and that is all he really requires for sleeping arrangements. Burbles enjoyed her sleeping accommodations as well. So much so, in fact, that she slept through the night all weekend. However, since we have been home, not so much. What I wouldn't give...
More exciting news... after researching flying and going by train to California, we have booked our flights to visit my grandparents and my uncle and a good friend from college this July.... Finally a real vacation. ( What a contradiction... we are taking the kids which means that there really is no such thing as a "real" vacation. There will still be diapers to change and bottles to make and kids to feed... in the middle of the night... but it is a start.)
My right eye isn't doing that much better, as a matter of fact, this morning, it seems more blurry than when I first had it done... what gives? Maybe it is the lack of sleep... should ask the doctor... he may be able to write me a note that gets me out of late night feedings (big problem... Fundi sometimes works nights). I'm sure Burbles would understand.
Fundi screwed down the registers yesterday, so Captain is no longer able to try to climb down them or throw his toys down there. Just a hint: if this does happen, use a plastic spatula to coerce the toys from the depths. This is terribly exciting as I have spent most of my time this week trying to keep Captain away from those stupid registers. They may not be pretty, but now I don't have such a headache :). Captain is in denial that he is unable to lift the registers up anymore, and he cursed us out in his own baby language for five minutes while he tried to get them off. Fundi said that he was looking at us like "Hey, what gives?"
The Dells trip was fun. We ate hibachi Japanese food two nights (which I absolutely love). Fundi got to play in the water park. He really had a good time doing that. We did a little shopping. We also went and toured a cheese factory and then stopped at an Amish roadside stand and bought the best pie I have ever eaten and a loaf of fresh baked bread which was wonderful too. Really though, baby proofing is so important when you are on vacation. It really is not much fun having to chase Captain around telling him that he can't do something (we don't like it and neither does he). I would like to see units (we stayed at our time-share) that are fully child proofed. Captain took a few big diggers this weekend and we feel terrible about it, but it was mostly due to the particular unit we were staying in. He is a trooper though, and he always got back up and kept on going.
In a fit of cleaning rage last night, I managed to clean the entire upstairs, fold the four loads of laundry that I have been putting off and put it all away, bathe Captain and feed him supper, vacuum, dust, do the dishes, cook supper, and watch most of the TV that I have recorded over the last week and a half, put both of the kids to bed at their bedtime, and I was still in bed at 10:15! Fundi was at work last night, so I did this all and kept both of the kids occupied... you would be amazed that singing while vacuuming is very entertaining to very young children.
I also was able to talk to both of my Grandmas yesterday. My Grandma in California... we call her Gummie and my Grandpa Guppy. (HI GUMMIE!) She sounds like she is doing really well. She was going to get her haircut (she needs it cut quite frequently, apparently) and she said that she has been reading my Blog! This is a great improvement because that means that she is able to sit up at her computer. This is all very important because she had a major back surgery a while back and she was in pain for quite some time. I was happy to hear that she is doing well.
My Grandma that lives nearby also sounds like she is doing well. She does dialysis three times a week and I sometimes pick her up after she gets done. She said that things are going well and that she really enjoyed having her oldest son around this past weekend. He planted a rose bush with her and they went to the County Dairy Breakfast. (The farm where it was held is the farm where my sister's husband and his two brother and his dad are the owners. We were regretfully unable to attend because we were in the Dells, but we heard that it was a good turn-out.)
This is us at the Carr Valley Cheese Factory.

This is me and Fundi.
Here is Fundi and Burbles.
This is at the waterpark. Fundi and Captain.
Captain riding one of those machines they put in malls and arcades for little kids to ride on.