As it turned out, some things are just meant to be. We were looking for a spot in the shade to sit and watch the parade when I waved at a woman that I recognized from church. She invited us to sit with her and her two girls. (Her husband and her other two girls were in the parade.) We had a nice little chat and I found out that she scrapbooks too... (I would like to say that I scrapbook, but really I just gather stuff to scrapbook with... Reminder: Need to get working on that...) and that she has parties. What a great way to meet more people and develop other relationships. The parade itself was lots of fun. In such small communities you are bound to know some of the people, but I was able to say hi to so many of the people that I haven't seen in a while. I think I knew one person in at least half of the floats. Captain REALLY enjoyed himself as well. He got two Popsicles for lunch (remember... my dad and him woke up late from the nap... no time for lunch) and some Cheerios. But more than that, he watched as the band came up the street and the fire trucks and the other floats, but mostly I think he liked the Popsicles.
After the parade, we walked over to the park and visited with a few more people. One woman that was there has a little girl that was born about two months before Burbles. So we talked kids a little bit. Then we ran into three of my great aunts and they got to hold the babies and we talked kids as well.
Then we went and picked up my grandma and went home to get ready for the block party. We had a great time and great food. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and had fun visiting and watching the kids run around.
After that we went to another neighbor's house and set off fireworks while my dad stayed home with the kids (what a great guy... huh?). The fireworks were fun and we got to visit with some more people that we never get to see.
All in all, our 4th of July was a celebration of life and love and community... all the things that living in this great nation should be about.
Captain on the 4th of July
Burbles on the 4th of July
Captain with a Popsicle
Captain and Burbles with their Great-Great-Aunties
Captain and Gumpa walking around in the park
Captain and Burbles with Great-Grandma
The neighbors at the Block party

More neighbors at the Block party
Fundi's mom stirring the potatoes
My dad's Girlfriend holding Burbles

Great-Grandma stealing a strawberry
Our Family
A rainbow from that night. The photo was taken on our deck.
1 comment:
I have seen that "Don't mess with me look" on the Captain's face before. Wonder where........
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