Sunday, November 4, 2007

Annoyed and Appreciative

I'm really annoyed right now... not that it is really that big a deal, but I was trying to watch this movie tonight when all at once it stopped. Now, mind you, I was about a half an hour into the movie. It wasn't really making any sense to me, but I just thought that that was the way this movie was supposed to be. It kept stopping and then going as a flashback over the same scene. It did this twice. I just thought that maybe the movie was starting at the end and then going to go back to the beginning a little later in the film. OK, so when the movie stopped, I waited for it to go back as a flashback to a different scene, but it didn't. Actually, the disk just froze up entirely. I got up, opened the door on our DVD player, blew on the disk and in the DVD player, closed the drawer, and hoped it would work. It did. Except that it took me to the disk menu, which I had never been to before. It was at that point that I realized my DVD player probably was playing an extra (like it sometimes does) such as deleted scenes, alternative ending, or editor's cut. Here, I was watching the end of the film where the detective makes the big discover and everything resolves itself and the criminal is implicated and the good guy wins. AHHHHH!!! I think this would have been a good movie, but now it has been ruined. I just tried to watch it from the start and the disk froze up at about 8 minutes. So, I figured that I would blog for a while while I wait for Fundi to get home so we can go to sleep.
This weekend was a good one. I'll have to write more about it later, but I had a good weekend.
I got to thinking, this morning, before church, as I was checking my emails and looking at every one's blogs... I have high expectations for everyone. I always check in the morning to get updates on all my favorite people. I am disappointed on the weekends because I want to read about what everyone else is doing. But then, just now, I realized that a lot of times I don't blog on the weekends because I am busy and don't have time. So... all of these expectations I have for everyone else... I either need to just get over myself or I need to hold myself up to these expectations as well....
I guess what I am trying to say is that: I enjoy reading what everyone is up to and seeing photos and commenting on every one's lives. I miss you guys when you aren't around. I am, of course, not going to make you write on the weekends, but just know that there is someone reading what you are writing and enjoying every minute of being connected again with long-lost friends. Hope everyone else's weekends went well. I'll write more on mine later. I'm watching WDW all but one day this week and I don't know if I will get everyone napping all at the same time (I'll try) so I can spend a little time blogging. Wish us luck.


Anonymous said...

I miss people on the weekends too! I can't complain though, because I usually work them so I don't write either. Our old DVD player used to shut down at the 1/2 and one and a half hour marks. It turned out it was the fan overheating. We were super broke back then, so instead of buying a new one we positioned a little fan on the player. That did the trick! I enjoy reading your Blog. Thank-you for sharing!

Monika said...

Sorry for spamming, but I really like your writings and wanted to ask you if we could exchange links? Please write me a comment in my blog (my everyday glamour) that has to do a bit with the post *lol* then I know that’s okay for you ;-)
Hope you’re okay,
Chililady from Austria