Friday, December 28, 2007
Photos of Christmas and the Past 10 days
This is the six foot tall giraffe that is now in our living room. It is a tent. No, it didn't come with the balls. We bought them for the kids. Gramma G bought the tent. You should have seen their eyes on Christmas morning when Captain came upstairs and I brought Burbles from her room. They looked and looked with great big eyes. They were so excited about it, they wouldn't eat breakfast before going to church.
Look at the happy little girl with all of the balls. There can't possibly be a reason for her brother to take the balls away from her with as many balls as there are now. Can there?
I'm so happy.
Wow, Mom and Dad! You did GREAT!
Christmas Day at Gramma and Grampa G's house. Burbles and Fundi opening gifts.
They asked him to dance, so here he is... Dancing. What a cute little boy, huh? They also asked him to say pterodactyl and he said it loud and clear (he is ONLY 20 months) so Grampa gave him $10. More on that: he has also been saying everything that we say including: Fundi: "Show me the money!" Captain: "Sow me da money!" and Andrea: "Shake, shake, shake... shake, shake, shake... shake your booty... shake your booty..." Captain: "Shake your booty... shake, shake, shake..." Andrea: "What does a turtle say?" Captain: "SLOOOOOWWWW Down." Andrea: "What does a bunny say?" Captain: "Gofast." Fundi: "What does an alligator say?" Captain: "Eat 'em up, Eat 'em up, chew chew."
Grampa with Burbles and Captain on Christmas Day.
Playing with the new cars that Captain got from Gramma and Grampa for Christmas. Grampa's belly makes a good ramp.
Gramma holding Burbles and for once she isn't crying. (She has been having LOTS of stranger anxiety lately and will not let anyone but Mommy and Daddy hold her.)
Great Uncle P holding Burbles as she sits on my dad's girlfriend P's son's shoulders. She really likes him and he has been really good with all of the kids.
WDW and Burbles. Who would be able to tell that they are 3 1/2 months apart in age? Burbles being older. She was 8 months for Christmas and WDW was 4 1/2 months for Christmas.
Burbles blocking traffic. She was wrestling with the bear and having a good time playing on the floor.
Captain took it upon himself to sweep the floor. (I DO Clean... he had to learn it from somewhere and we don't watch TV, so....) He has been helping more and more and more. Last night he told Grumpa: "Laundry dirty hamper" and then took the clothes to the hamper. He also puts all "Diaper garbage" and "Vacuum" up the "Cheeerio" or "Fishes" he throws intentionally on the floor so that there is something to vacuum up with my hand-held vacuum (which, did I mention, I LOVE?) This all is, of course, in addition to helping me unload the dishwasher every time it has dishes in it... clean or not.
Look who wants an I-Pod for Christmas. He listened so well and did some of his signature dance moves as well. What a kid.
That night when I got home from Grandma E's house, I put away the peanut butter pie that I had made for Christmas dessert. I put it in the fridge on top of something that wasn't as level as it should have been. When I opened the fridge a while later (thankfully after the kids had gone to bed), the pie came tumbling down. Did I mention the creamy peanut butter filling, the hot-fudge and whipped cream topping, and the chocolate cookie crumbles crust? Yeah... EVERYWHERE!

Here is our little tyke riding his motorcycle that A from California sent for him. Yeah, she was smart and sent two, although that really doesn't stop Captain from thinking that they are both his. That is Burbles' pink one in the background. She is a little little yet, but she'll get there before too long.
He is a little little yet as well. He has a hard time keeping his feet on the ground. His little tippy-toes barely touch the floor and he can only scoot a couple inches at time. He just gets off and pushes it around. Also, I asked him to push Mommy the bike when I was building the thing and he picked it up and brought it to me. It weighs about 8 lbs according to the shipping label and he just hoisted it right up and brought it to me.
Burbles in her little Santa outfit.
This was Christmas Eve Day when people started to arrive. This is cousin Buca with Captain on the motorcycles. Strangely enough, she is able to touch the ground and was able to get around better than Captain did.
A photo of our family on Christmas Eve. I am a little red in the picture because I had been drinking some YUMMY Brandy Slush. If anyone wants the recipe let me know. It is really good.
My dad's Girlfriend P and her sons A and A.
Sister C with Buca.
Brother-in-law B with WDW.
Sister-in-law J's dad. Mr. P is what I call him.
Sister-in-law J with a very grouchy Burbles. She was not keen on being held... like always.
See Fundi peeking out from behind his mom. We were cleaning up the kitchen after supper. Mmmm.... My Mom's traditional spaghetti, cheesy garlic bread, and corn. Easy to make, easy to clean up.
Mommy and the kids.
Grumpa asked Captain to throw away his beer bottle, but Captain ran around pretending to drink it. It was empty, so I didn't freak out. A note about the bow: he did it to himself.
Sister C, Sister E, Grumpa (or Dad), Sister B and Andrea. Christmas Eve 2007. This year none of us are pregnant. Last year, three of the four of us were. No rush, Sister C...
Mr. and Mrs. P
So here is our brood: Sister C (18), Sister E's baby Buca (20 mo), Sister E (23), DeDe (8 mo), Burbles (8 mo), Andrea (27), Captain (20 mo), WDW (4 mo), Sister B (24)
Sister B and her family: Brother-in-law B and WDW
Sister E and DeDe and Buca
Z and Fiona
Dad and P
Gamma G and her grandkids: Fiona, Captain, Burbles, Z
DeDe and Sister E
P's son A and Captain opening presents.
Captain and Burbles. Captain is licking the beater when I was making my peanut butter pie (see above). There weren't any eggs in there, so he was able to lick this time. "More...More"
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1 comment:
that guy that was listening 2 the ipod with the baby is hot
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