HI Honey,
I can't believe that today is your one year birthday! The time has gone by so quickly, but the days sometime seem to stand still. It is amazing to see how much you have grown and changed over the course of a year.
You still aren't saying much. The doctor said (at your 1 year appointment on the 14th) that you need to say five words at fifteen months, or he wants to know about it. Hopefully we will not have to worry about it, but your brother was the same way. He wasn't saying much at a year, but by 15 months, look out. You will get there. You are so cute in the couple of things you do say. You say "all done" and "Hi, Da" and "Yeah". You are understanding more and more each day. I think a lot of it is our fault, though. We have to split our time between you two and Nibble and Fiona, so we don't get to drill you as much as we would like.
As far as your physical developments go... you took your first two steps today, on your birthday! It was so sweet. There you were, standing in the middle of the floor, and you picked up your foot like it was a peg and then your other foot and you took two steps toward me. I was tickled.
We have had Guppy around since Gummie passed away, and you and Guppy have become pals. You are terribly cute with him. He calls you his little flirt and says that the boys better watch out. You crawl near Guppy and smile real big like you want him to pick you up and then when he comes closer to you, you turn and crawl away really quickly. When you get a safe distance away from Guppy, you flop on the floor and turn toward Guppy and bat your eyelashes and smile coyly at him. It is really precious to watch you interact with your Great-Grandfather this way. I enjoy how involved he is in spending time with you while he is here.
We are going to start working with you more to get you napping on your own. I can't continue to take daily naps with you, as much as I would like to. You have continued to sleep well at night, but you wake up in the morning at five and you want to be held until the rest of the house wakes up. You nibble on your bottle and nap on and off. I enjoy this time with you.
We had your birthday party on your birthday. You shared your birthday with Gummie. You also share your birthday with DeDe. The party was for You, DeDe, Captain, and Buca. You really didn't know what to do with the cupcake we set in front of you. You licked some of the frosting off. About a half an hour later, you started to crush the cupcake. You didn't really eat much of it. That is OK. You have been enjoying the strawberries lately. You can eat five or more at one sitting. I would say that your favorite foods are cheese, strawberries, and cheerios or bread.
Update: On the 14th, the day after your birthday, we had your one year check-up. You did really well. The pediatrician was so surprised that you were willing to sit on the table and be examined by him. He said that in all his years of work, he has never seen or dealt with two kids other that you and Captain who sat through their one year physical exam on the table and not on their parent's laps. I was so proud of you. The doctor also said that you look really healthy. You are 20lbs 6oz and 28 3/4 inches tall! You hold the 50th percentile in all things. You are my little peanut.
I love you so much.
We love you more today than yesterday,
I can't believe that today is your one year birthday! The time has gone by so quickly, but the days sometime seem to stand still. It is amazing to see how much you have grown and changed over the course of a year.
You still aren't saying much. The doctor said (at your 1 year appointment on the 14th) that you need to say five words at fifteen months, or he wants to know about it. Hopefully we will not have to worry about it, but your brother was the same way. He wasn't saying much at a year, but by 15 months, look out. You will get there. You are so cute in the couple of things you do say. You say "all done" and "Hi, Da" and "Yeah". You are understanding more and more each day. I think a lot of it is our fault, though. We have to split our time between you two and Nibble and Fiona, so we don't get to drill you as much as we would like.
As far as your physical developments go... you took your first two steps today, on your birthday! It was so sweet. There you were, standing in the middle of the floor, and you picked up your foot like it was a peg and then your other foot and you took two steps toward me. I was tickled.
We have had Guppy around since Gummie passed away, and you and Guppy have become pals. You are terribly cute with him. He calls you his little flirt and says that the boys better watch out. You crawl near Guppy and smile real big like you want him to pick you up and then when he comes closer to you, you turn and crawl away really quickly. When you get a safe distance away from Guppy, you flop on the floor and turn toward Guppy and bat your eyelashes and smile coyly at him. It is really precious to watch you interact with your Great-Grandfather this way. I enjoy how involved he is in spending time with you while he is here.
We are going to start working with you more to get you napping on your own. I can't continue to take daily naps with you, as much as I would like to. You have continued to sleep well at night, but you wake up in the morning at five and you want to be held until the rest of the house wakes up. You nibble on your bottle and nap on and off. I enjoy this time with you.
We had your birthday party on your birthday. You shared your birthday with Gummie. You also share your birthday with DeDe. The party was for You, DeDe, Captain, and Buca. You really didn't know what to do with the cupcake we set in front of you. You licked some of the frosting off. About a half an hour later, you started to crush the cupcake. You didn't really eat much of it. That is OK. You have been enjoying the strawberries lately. You can eat five or more at one sitting. I would say that your favorite foods are cheese, strawberries, and cheerios or bread.
Update: On the 14th, the day after your birthday, we had your one year check-up. You did really well. The pediatrician was so surprised that you were willing to sit on the table and be examined by him. He said that in all his years of work, he has never seen or dealt with two kids other that you and Captain who sat through their one year physical exam on the table and not on their parent's laps. I was so proud of you. The doctor also said that you look really healthy. You are 20lbs 6oz and 28 3/4 inches tall! You hold the 50th percentile in all things. You are my little peanut.
I love you so much.
We love you more today than yesterday,
1 comment:
OH I loev little kids :)
Nice blog
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