Hi Sweetie,
You are TWO! I can't believe it. It has gone by so quickly. I remember thinking, when we brought you home, that if we could take you back to the hospital and drop you off until you stopped crying, that would be just great. I'm glad we didn't, but don't think that sometimes I don't want to take you somewhere and just drop you off for a while. I don't think that it would last long. I get at least one good laugh out of you daily. Yesterday, your Birthday, you were talking to me. I was washing off your face after having lunch (Sweet and Sour Chicken and Crab Rangoons) you told me "Just Relax". Now, I don't know that I use that phrase often, I'm sure every once in a while when someone here is being a little high-strung, it gets used, but to hear it coming out of your mouth just about had me rolling on the floor.
These days you have been growing up so much. You love looking at catalogs that we get in the mail. You sit and look at all the pictures and talk about what is going on in them. You are learning your colors. Orange is one that you have down. The others, well, they are kinda fuzzy. When we look at books and I ask you to point to something that is, say, red, you can do that, but when I ask you "What color is the ball?" Unless it is orange (and sometimes if it is purple), you really just spout off a color. You always get the idea, though, even if the answers are wrong. I'm amazed at how you figured it out so quickly. When asked "How many?" You always give us a number, too.
Your language skills are amazing. Even the doctor was impressed at how well you dictate what you say. The doctor was also impressed at how well you did during your appointment. When you got your finger pricked for blood draw, you said "Ow." and then sat patiently while they took your blood. Nothing more. You are pretty laid back that way. You don't let much phase you, unless it has something to do with your sister playing with something that you were possibly going to play with in the next, oh, three years. Then you get a little emotional.
You have added a few things to your bedtime routine. Other than the standard brush teeth, flouride, get dressed, say prayers, Glowy, Tiger, Blanket, you have added "Sweet dreams. I love you." Melt my heart, honestly.
You really enjoy having your Guppy around. In the mornings (most mornings, anyway) Guppy comes to your room and gets you out of your crib. You are living downstairs together. Then, you sit with Guppy on the bottom of the stairs and look out the picture window and watch the birds and the trains. It is darling and I'm glad that you have had this opportunity to spend some time with him. You are always right there, ready to greet him when he comes up the stairs, and you are always looking for him when you wake up from your nap. He will be leaving on Tuesday, and like a protective parent, I do not want you to have to say goodbye to someone you have grown to love.
You really enjoyed your birthday party. The cake was a big hit, as were the presents. It was so neat to watch all of your excitement. It was really sweet when you went to people and thanked them for the gifts they had given you as well. You are good with your manners like that. You say please, no thanks, thank you, you're welcome.
Your obsession with the outdoors has become, well, just that, an obsession. On your Birthday Party Day, we had a Pelican migration come through on the Mississippi River. You were in awe of these huge birds flying around and landing on the water. You watch them and watch them. You also watch the trains, semis, school buses, amulances, and pick-up trucks. You also can tell some birds apart. You know the difference between a pelican, a robin, a duck, and a goose. You really know your animals as well. It is amazing to listen to you go through some of your books and name everything that is in the whole book. I was amazed yesterday when you put together two puzzles from the library, without help, even though those were the first real puzzles that you had ever been exposed to. I can only hope that your fascination with learning continues the rest of your life. I also hope your excitement for life helps you through those inevitable tough times.
On your second birthday, you sang Happy Birthday to your sister. You are self-less that way and I don't know that you recognize yourself apart from her. This brings me to tears. You are such a good boy and I hope that we can look at you in fifteen years and know that you are still the same kid you always were... maybe with just a little more attitude.
We love you more today than yesterday,
1 comment:
Happy Birthday twice!!! How much fun for them to be a year apart. I'll write you more later when it isn't 1 am. :)
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