Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I have been having slightly disturbing dreams about my kids and their well-being.
The first dream was about a time before we had Burbles. My husband and I were still driving our Impala and Captain was sitting in the back seat facing forward (he never faced forward when we drove that car). We pulled up to the gas station and Fundi got out and was filling the tank. I was in the driver's seat and doing something. I turned around and Captain was no longer in his seat. As a matter of fact, nothing of him existed in the car at all. The car seat, diaper bag, crackers, everything was gone. I got so worried. I told Fundi and after watching the survelance tapes from the gas station, we tracked the kidnapper to the bathroom in the gas station. He had locked himself and Captain in the bathroom and were waiting for us to leave. Luckily, we got Captain back and the police came to take the kidnapper away.
The second dream was the following night. My former boss was making tea at our house. She was pouring the boiling water from the tea pot and Burbles was sitting right next to the stove and the boiling water started dripping on her head. I hollared at my boss, but she said that it wasn't hurting Burbles. Burbles indeed did not look in pain, but I was still concerned. Then my boss took the boiling water and dumped the whole pot on Burbles' head. I woke up afraid.

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