Friday, December 28, 2007

What a Response :)

I am so excited about the response I have had with the Goodreads website. It is so neat. I have been adding books and working on my lists and I feel that I am finally getting my book-life in order. Many of you know why the library is one of my favorite spots, but in case you don't, I worked at my college Library for the three and a half years that I was there and also two of the summers. I spent a lot of time at that library and learned a lot about how a library works. To this day I enjoy the library and I miss the staff that I worked with while I was there. Goodreads will maybe be able to become my little library. I'm excited. Also, keep an eye on the children's books if you are in the market for them. I will try and review as many of the Usborne Books as I get my eyes on.

SIDE NOTE: I'm still working on the photos from Christmas. Just be patient.

1 comment:

Blog said...

I LOVED the library, too, in University. :) I WISH I could get back into reading. My little one is still too little yet for me to have that kind of time! Happy holidays!!