The restaurant was nice. They were not too busy and we were seated immediately. Our waiter asked for our drink orders but would not help us get a high chair that had a safety belt (our Captain has turned into Houdini). He delivered chips and salsa but not the drinks. He came back to take our order but without drinks (we were pretty thirsty). Finally, we got our drinks. Fundi found a highchair with a safety belt and we were on our way... or so we thought. We asked for a refill on drinks and chips and salsa. At that time our food came. My soup was delivered luke-warm only a minute before my food (Captain was refusing to eat solid foods and only wanted soup through this part of the trip, so he was starving and mad about not getting fed first.). We reminded the waiter about the drinks, salsa, and chips. Then the question was... where is our silverware. Our waiter returned with our drinks and we asked for silverware. Ten minutes later, he came back to check on how we were doing. We asked again if we could have silverware and a refill on drinks. Our waiter returned three minutes later with silverware and no drinks. The kids were madder than all get out. We shoveled in our food (it was pretty good actually). When the waiter returned with our refills and our bill ten minutes later, we took the bill to the front of the restaurant where I asked to speak with a manager. The manager was so nice and apologetic and picked up our bill for us because of all the troubles we had had. It was unfortunate that our final meal in Cali had to be a bust, but what can you expect. Things had been going so well up to that point.
We got back to our hotel and unloaded what we needed from the car. Captain was thrilled that he could finally get down and run around. We all hung out until 10 or so when we could watch the fireworks from our hotel window. Captain had never seen fireworks before and he was very observant for the five minutes that they were going off. Then we laid him down in his Pack and Play and he drifted off to sleep effortlessly with Tiger and Glowy (Gummie gave these to him while we visited them. He has been sleeping with them every night since and really seems to be attached to them. I just hope that they stay in his crib and don't have to start coming with us everywhere.). Then we all drifted effortlessly off to sleep. Of course there were the late night wake up calls from Burbles, but by that time I was used to them again.
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