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Here is Captain playing with Fundi. Fundi builds block towers then Captain Destructo swoops in and topples them over with every part of his being... or he just takes one of the blocks from the bottom.
This is Burbles all dressed up for the Green Bay Packers Game night. She cried until I put a ribbon in her hair. She had never worn one before, but after I put it on her she quieted right down. I just think that she didn't wanna look like a boy.
Here is Captain in his high chair. On the day that I went scrapbooking, Fundi informed me that Captain was climing on and over everything and that much of his day was spent in and out of the high chair so that Fundi could look after Burbles. It is nice to know that he knows what I go through on a daily basis.
Fundi and Captain on the Carousel at Lark Toys in Kellogg, Minnesota. For those of you who know Chadd from Cornell, his parents own the toy store that we went to. This is a still shot of Captain on one of the up/down animals. He would never have stayed on an up/down animal while they were moving. He sat in a sleigh instead.
This is him in the sleigh while Fundi stands by. Captain moved his hands up and down in time with all the animals that were going up and down. He didn't know for sure if he wanted to be on the Carousel at all to begin with, but by the time it was over, he didn't want to get off.
Here is Burbles with her first bite of food. As you can see, the tongue thrust reflex is still there, but it is going away slowly. Today she had her first sweet potatoes. Mmmm.
Here is Captain as an astronaut. Just kidding. He puts this drum on his head and walks around with it like that. This is a trick that his big cousin Z taught him.
Here he is again... looks like he is a man on a mission doesn't it?
This is Captain the night that he walked in the puddle. He looks terribly pleased with himself and he is actually looking to see what I am going to do. Run after him or let him alone?
This is after he figured out that I wasn't going to do anything about it. He walked right through the deepest part of the puddle and got even wetter. He attended his big cousin Z's 11th Birthday Party that night-sans pants.
Burbles looking pretty in a shirt she got from Mommy's College Friend in California A.
OK, so this was funny. Burbles was wearing the mittens with the rattles in them. Fundi was feeling left out and took of Burbles' socks. I put the socks on his hands and boy was he frustrated. Try picking something up with no grippers and no thumb. It was like watching a cat with tape on its paws. Burbles looks just tickled that her brother is frustrated.
Captain with a serious mohawk in the sink bath--thanks to Auntie C.
After his bath, Grampa went and caught Captain a toad and then gave it to him. Captain let it go immediately but watched it hop around on the deck.
Yes-- that IS her middle finger.
They are beautiful! I like the "man on a mission", and the "spit happens" pictures best. It is the everyday pictures that are the most precious don't you think?!
Unbelievably adorable!
I love the pictures. I had to comment on the ones of Captain with the drum on his head, since I'm the one that gave it to him. His big cousin will be so proud to see that he is taking after him. I have lots of pictures of Z with things on his head. What can he teach him next? Z always loved playing astronaut or pretending that he was Luke Skywalker. What am I talking about? He still loves to do that!
I didn't know Chadd's peeps owned a toy store. No wonder he is so much fun! =)
On a different note, I'm glad you got to spend some time just to yourself to scrapbook--everyone needs it.
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