Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On a lighter note..

Things here have been busy in that not-so-busy sort of way. My biggest excitement yesterday was that I got to hang window clings. Oh, and I guess I got my Usborne Book Show packet. I am really looking forward to that party. I don't know what to get. There are just so many choices. The power went out on Sunday night and I got to go visit my sister B and her family. They seemed to be doing well. Little WDW is looking good. He is gonna be a big baby I think. He is so cute. Burbles has been working on getting up on all fours. She is 5 months now and she thinks she owns the place. I guess s he probably gets that from her brother. He is 17 months now! I can't believe how time flies.
I just came out of the bathroom. My son is NAKED. He took off his diaper before I could get clothes for him. This is no big deal really, just very cute. When I asked where he had put the diaper, he showed me the garbage. Should I take this as a sign that I should be potty training. He seems like he could almost be ready, but he will not sit on the little potty for longer than two seconds. Fundi thinks we should put a seat belt on it. Last night, I was taking photos of the kids with no bottoms on. Essentially I was taking photos of their bottoms. Then it was supper time and I put Captain in the high chair and fed him. After a while, little puddles started to appear beneath the high chair. I kept cleaning them up, but then there was another one. I thought that maybe the high chair tray had some water caught in it that was leaking. It was only when I took Captain out that I remembered that he had no bottoms on.
Talked to my sister E last night. She and her kids are doing well. She sounded really good and it was nice talking to her. We made plans for Christmas cookie baking day (December 1st) and Christmas (on Christmas Eve). She seemed pretty keen on the idea that on baking day, our dad and Fundi take the kids and keep them busy all day. Fundi counted it out, and if both my sisters with kids and my sister-in-law J come and my dad's girlfriend P and her two boys, there will be nine kids and two adults. Six of those kids in car seats. I asked Fundi if he thought that that would be OK. He said, the more the merrier as far as he is concerned--especially if the older kids are there and can help out. Then he said... We'll have to take two vehicles.
I have reserved a hotel for Cornell Homecoming in Iowa. I'm excited to be going. Last year I didn't go because we had a gathering for my deceased Brother-in-Law J. That is my sister-in-law J's husband. He had passed away one year prior. I can't believe it has already been two years. Both he and my Mom have missed so much. Anyhow, my Dad is coming with to Cornell Homecoming and he is going to watch the kids when we go out and about in the evenings. I don't know what people are planning to do for dinner on Saturday night though... let me know if you are going and what you are doing? Also, we will not be getting into town until later that Friday night... and so I don't know if I will be making it to the fireworks or the bars. Let me know if you will be there as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cookie baking day sounds great. Your hubby must be a real trooper. I can't imagine mine tackling 9 kids no matter how much help he had! :)
I'm not going to make Homecoming this year, so you'll have to say hi to everyone for me. Let us know how it goes!