Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How I Am and How They Are

In short--- I am fine.
I went in for surgery as planned on Monday. They got me in an hour later than planned, but everything went well and they believe they zapped the offending stone. Thank goodness.
Burbles went in for shots yesterday. It was her two month appointment. She weighs 10 lbs 13 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. I had them weigh and measure Captain as well. He weighs 19 lbs 8 oz and is 29 inches long. We laid them side by side on the table and looked at them. It is absolutely amazing all the changes that a child can go through in one short year. Even though he is not much bigger than she is, he has such an awareness of things and he is so smart. He is able to communicate with words and motions where she cries and sucks her hand if she is hungry. All of these things that happen in a year. He can walk and move around and climb and go down the stairs. She sits there in your arms and looks at you and smiles. He takes a nap on command and she takes a nap only when it suits her. He sleeps for 11 and a half hours at night in his crib. We check on him rarely, but can hear him moving around and grunting while he sleeps as we listen to the monitor. We check on her often and as every new parent does, we get up and make sure that she is still breathing. Sometimes we even have to put a flashlight by her chest to make sure that it goes up and down. She sleeps in our room in the Pack and Play so that we have quick access to her if she starts to cry. She suprised me last night by sleeping a whopping 7 1/2 hours in a row. This is amazing because she has only been sleeping maybe 4 1/2 hours at a crack up until now.

I remember the first time Captain slept a long stretch. Both Fundi and I woke up to his cries about 7 hours after we had put him to sleep. We looked at each other figuring that the other had woken up to feed him at some point during the night, but neither of us had. In our sleep induced haze, we questioned if we had slept through a feeding or if perhaps we hadn't heard him when he cried, but we really didn't believe that the baby who had only been sleeping for 3 hours at a time had gone a whole seven without needing to be fed. Fundi was working last night, so I know that he didn't feed Burbles. I woke up at 2 something to go to the bathroom, and Burbles was still sleeping soundly then. So I know that those 7 1/2 hours are true to life sleeping time.
Burbles is almost 9 weeks old. Captain slept through the night at 10 weeks, so we only have a week to go. Right?? Every kid is different and I guess we'll have to see.

Fundi, the wonderful and thoughtful man that he is, parked his truck outside the garage this morning (if he opens the garage door, Captain tends to wake up too early) and slept on the couch (if you walk down the hall after daylight, it is a sure thing that Captain will wake up) until Captain woke up. He then took Captain and changed his diaper and while I fed Captain breakfast, he fed Burbles her morning bottle and smiled at her and cooed and gurgled with her. He stayed up until 8:30 when he announced with exhaustion that he must go to bed. I am absolutely amazed at the man. He is great to all of us.

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