Friday, June 15, 2007

The Kiddie Concert

It may not be as hot as it could be, but it is hot enough. Today our family and our niece attempted to sit through a kiddie concert in a nearby city. The concert is part of the city festival. There was a man there performing a "concert" for the kids. Really, all we could make out is a few words here and there because of poor accoustics in the outdoor bandshell. On top of the not being able to hear a thing, we were hotter than all get out. It was pushing 95 degrees. We were in the shade of some trees, but our walk to and from the bandshell was 100% sun. The antibiotics that I am taking for the kidney stone procedure come with the warning that a person who is taking this medication should try to avoid extended exposure to the sun. Even though we were in the sun for a total of only about 10 minutes and even though I had on SPF 30 sunscreen, I managed to get red. Ahhh! I am so over the days when being super tan is cool. I understand the dangers of the sun and cancer and it makes me nervous to know all of the bad things that I have done to my skin up to this point. I was ignorant and I'm sorry.

1 comment:

Steven Tyler's PJs said...

I know what you mean! I have decided to be pale.