Tuesday, July 10, 2007

And here we go...

I guess I really don't know that much. I have started trip preparations. Today we went to a neighboring county and had photo IDs made for the kids... just in case. The people there were great and were super nice with the kids who were both tired and a little cranky. Captain just woke up from his first nap of the day (yeah, it started at 4:00) and I just laid him down for his second nap of the day (yeah, at 5:15) and I still plan to put him to bed at about 8:30 if he is in a decent mood.
That is the other thing that we have started preparations for--the time change. I read somewhere that if you start getting your body used to the time difference before leaving it won't be such a bummer when you get there. I don't want any melt-downs at 10:00 Pacific Time (12:00 midnight our time) while watching fireworks at Sea World. So, the plan is: 8:30 for a few days, 9:00 for a few days, 9:30 for a few days, and 10:00 for a few days. That will hopefully make the time change less painful for all of us.
Ok, so he isn't really napping, more just pouting about being in his crib right now, but he needs to sleep. Burbles is trying to work on a nap as well. She was really cranky today too, which is really not in her character.
We went to the dentist today. Captain has 13 teeth and is working on 3 more. Fundi had a good check-up and my check-up sucked. I have 3 cavities. I blame it on pregnancy and my college dentist that gave me a mouthguard for nighttime wear, but really it was a sport mouthguard. My dentist said that type of mouthguard is not meant to be worn at night as it cuts off the saliva from your teeth and makes them more prone to cavities. Ta Da! They aren't bad ones, but still... Dentists suck.
I went to my sister's house today as well. She is due at the beginning of August with her first baby. She had a baby shower last night and was showing me some of her new things. It is so neat seeing all the new stuff they come out with (even if my oldest is only 14 1/2 months). Anyhow, she was really cute because she said "I just can't wait to be done with all this clutter" in reference to the few things that were sitting around (baby bathtub, a few toys, diapers, diaper bags, her hosptial bag, etc). I just told her to get used to it. You really have to. When you have a baby, clutter becomes relative. For example, when clutter is useful, is it really clutter? Does an extra diaper bag hanging on my banister constitue clutter? No--it is filled with diapers and diaper cream so that I don't have to go to the baby room every time I need to change a diaper. As Fundi said after Captain was born when someone asked him if we had been ready and had the baby room ready. He replied that "Every room is the baby room". Our house will never be the same, I'm sure, but it is nice this way. Those are the kinds of things that make a house a home. I think I do a pretty good job keeping my house clean. No, I don't bother to wash the windows that Captain can reach... they'll just get finger printed anyway. Yeah, I pick up the toys most nights after Captain goes to bed, but do I always put all the rings on the ring-thingy? No. I'm too tired and it is not a priority. It just isn't. But, are my kids fed, played with, and most importantly loved? Definately! That is what is important. Not clutter. She'll see. I have told her that a few times in regards to different things that we have talked about. She gave me a hard time once--publicly--in a Taco John's-- about not shaving my legs. I told her that it just isn't a priority.
I also need to ask for a moment of silence today. A bird (a pretty orange and black one) committed suicide in front of our eyes this morning. First it flew into the window... I don't need to say any more. I was sad and rushed Captain away from the window to protect him from what would have been his first encounter with death. How can you protect your kids from that forever? I wish I could.
Better get going... everyone is awake now.


theotherlion said...

you are so right. i wear skirts all the time with hairy legs. who stinkin cares? the skirt is clean, which is the most impressive feat of all.
does captain watch tv yet? punkin was older when we flew so i brought my laptop and we watched movies in the airport waiting for the plane. i really highly reccomend the magna doodle. they have little ones. not even as big as a sheet of paper. then he can't make a mess.
i was worried about the ears, too, but i remembered punkin has tubes and so his eardrums can't pop! does she use a pacifier? that would help.

Andrea said...

Both of my kids refused pacifiers from early on. Captain doesn't watch TV, but I really wanna get a personal DVD player for travel. We have one built in the van that we don't let him watch, but this is different I think... I have it figured that if we leave for the airport to get there is 2 hours, to wait there once we check in is 2 hours, to ride on the plane is 4 hours, to drive to where we need to get to once we get there is a couple of hours as well... AHHH! That is a lot of time to spend sitting for a 15 month old.

Steven Tyler's PJs said...

If you put cut-out pictures of birds on your windows, they will be less likely to try and fly into them. This only works if you don't have pet birds, though - it freaks them out.