Sunday, July 1, 2007

Photos and Comments

So, anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE taking photos... that being said, I hadn't figured out how to add them to my Blog until tonight when I had a little time to figure it out. I have added some photos to the previous blogs, so please go back and check them out.
Also, I didn't realize that I had the Blog set to only accept comments from members. I have changed that and would love comments from people. I don't really know who all reads this except for Erika, Jennie, "Me" (whoever you are, if you could email me that would be great.. just let me know who you are) and Gummie, so let me know :)
Hope to hear from you all soon and I'll be adding more photos (hopefully tomorrow)!

1 comment:

Steven Tyler's PJs said...

It's so funny to see who's been "lurking" once they all come out and start leaving comments. My StatCounter thingie told me that someone read my blog in China! Isn't that crazy?