Monday, July 16, 2007

What a Weekend

So this weekend was fun and relaxing and just what I would like to do with myself every weekend.
Friday we went to my LASIK checkup in the Cities. My right eye still kinda sucks and I will continue to put eye drops in it for some time yet. The doctor said that it could take 6 months before it will be better and will catch up to the vision in my left eye. That kinda sucks. My left eye vision is so wonderful. It is just too bad that my vision was so bad that they couldn't do LASIK in my right eye. But... I'm grateful that I was able to have LASIK at all. After that 10 minute appointment, we went to my Uncle P's house. We hung out with him and his boys for a couple hours. It was so nice to visit with them again. It is hard that everyone is so busy all the time. Life is better with closer relationships. Then on our way home we found this WONDERFUL Mexican restaurant. The food was great and the people there were really nice too. Then we went to Wal-Mart and got a few things for the Cali trip. The weather was beautiful that night and we were enjoying ourselves. Friday the 13th showed us its true colors on our way home. We were challenged by a couple of deer running across the road. Thankfully we didn't hit them, but I heard their hoof scrapes on the blacktop!
Saturday we got up and did some chores around the house and then we went to a family reunion. We live next to the park that the reunion was at, so we didn't have to go far. I made brownies as a last minute idea, but they were the first thing to be totally gone from all of the pot-luck dishes that were set out. Amazing to me... really. After the reunion we went out to my sister-in-law's house and hung out with the kids and looked at the garden. I finally remembered to ask my mother in law to borrow her camera for the Cali trip. (I helped her pick it out after Christmas. It is an awesome camera and I was super-jealous.) Then we came home and bathed the kids and got them off to bed. Fundi and I watched part of a movie after they were down for the night.
Sunday we woke up a little before 8 (like 7:55) and got ready for church real quick (church is at 8:30). We got there at 8:20 and then had to keep the kids quiet and still for that much longer :) After church we came home and our neighbors were outside, so we got the kids out of the car and walked to our neighbor's house were we visited with them for over an hour. Then we made cod dinner on the grill. Mmm it was nummy. Then we hung out and I got to fold the two loads of laundry that have been waiting for me for a few days. I even got to put the laundry away at the same time that I folded it. Miracle. Then we packed up and went to a festival in a neighboring town. We saw one of my roommates. She has two kids now and it is amazing how big her oldest one is. She was born when we were roommates, which seems like just yesterday, but obviously it has been a little longer than that! Then we went and listened to a group called Ron Sacia and the Fat Daddies. They are a band that Fundi has wanted to see for a long time. They were good. They actually had real instruments! Guitars, keyboard, saxaphone, trombone, and my favorite, the trumpet. Watching them play makes me want to run downstairs and take out my trumpet and start playing. I really wish I would have kept up with it. Now all I wanna do is join an adult band and go play. I don't know of any in the area though. Hmm... After the band we went grocery shopping and then came home.
So that was our weekend, and it may not seem like it was that exciting, but it was fun and it was filled with family and friends and hanging out and visiting, which is kinda my thing right now. I'm not into shopping really. We don't go to movies (we have Net Flix and can't even watch those movies). We don't watch TV until after the kids go to bed. I guess I am into Big Brother right now, but that is not something that Fundi is into. We have been cooking at home in an effort to save money and know what we are eating, so eating out hasn't been something to do lately (except for when we had to this weekend). The other thing that we have been trying to do lately is be better environmentally. This past week, we decided not to use paper towels any more. It seems kinda small, but not only will it save us money, it will not be as much waste and not as much of a tax on the trees to make the dumb things. Any other things that anyone can think of to live more "green"?


Steven Tyler's PJs said...

Save your grocery bags and reuse them!

Anonymous said...

Plant a natural grass yard.

Dry your clothes on the clothesline. (I know, hard to do when your kids are little, but do it later in life)

Wear that pair of jeans twice......and use bath towels more than once.

Turn your thermostat up a few degrees in the summer. Turn it down in the winter.

Drink water from the faucet instead from plastic bottles.

Anonymous said...

what is up with all the weird nick names?

Andrea said...

The nicknames are fun first of all and secondly allow me to leave my site accessible to everyone but not let strangers know the names of my husband and kids... But their nicknames are also used around our house on occasion.