Saturday, November 10, 2007


I know, I know. It has been a while and especially a while for something with any great substance or meaning. I am so excited about my new business. I am so happy to start the ball rolling and I am excited that I have a couple parties booked and will be really getting going. That being said, my first party is in a week and I am trying to learn learn learn as much as I possibly can while taking care of the kids and my wife-ly homemaker duties (Fundi made supper last night, though). It snowed yesterday on my way to a neighboring town. I was excited to be out alone and ended up getting a couple more people to think about having parties. Some day I will have something more interesting to say, I promise.
The other day I took the kids shopping to Wal-Mart and got to see some people I haven't talked to in a long while. It was nice and I think I may have a lead on tracking down my friend that disappeared off the face of the earth after she had her baby and suffered a sever case of post-partum depression. Hopefully we can reconnect.
In other BIG NEWS: Captain was getting his morning hugs and kisses today and I was getting them back. I said "I love you Captain." He said "I Love You!" I about dropped to the floor. I got some loving tears in my eyes. Then he got this big toothy grin and said "Kissy". What a little darling.
Burbles is mobile. In a big way. Although she doesn't crawl in the traditional fashion, she still manages to get where she needs to go. And she moves FAST. When she is mobile, she goes on her hands and knees and rocks forward and then on the forward motion she gives an extra hard push and catapaults herself forward. She is working on the traditional crawling but really, she is not about to wait for the coordination to be there before she moves around herself, hence the catapaulting. She has to keep up with her older brother whom she just ADORES.
Everyone is being good this morning. We had WDW overnight so my sister could go shopping with the in-laws. It went OK. I didn't get much sleep. They staggared their wakings making it impossible for me to get anything more than an hour and a half of sleep at a time. I am lonely for sleep. I miss extended hours with my bed. I have been watching all my TV at night during the feedings, though. I can say that I am almost caught up on all my Must See TV. I still haven't watched Ugly Betty from Thursday night, but that is online and I am never in the mood to tote the computer over to the good comfy chair and get everything up and rolling to have the little one fall asleep in my arms three minutes later. (Which is what she does, by the way.) I think she just gets lonely when she wakes up. She isn't hungry. She doesn't eat more than a couple gulps. WDW, last night, though, was a good eater... as far as I know. I need to be thankful that Fundi has the same fondness for his nephew that I do. He took WDW's feedings even though he had to go to work this morning for some more over-time. What a guy. Don't get me wrong, if Fundi wouldn't have been here, I would have gotten up to feed everyone, but it was so nice to share the load. God forbid we ever have traditional twins, I don't know what we would do. Maybe I would work more selling books so that we could hire an overnight helper? Who knows, but hopefully that is not a reality. Although....
A couple years back when Fundi and I were going through fertility treatments, I visited a psychic for fun with my aunt R and Gummie. I don't believe in this business, but went anyway just for something to talk about and say that I had done. The guy said that I would get pregnant in the next month. (I was.) He said that I would have four kids and that I will probably have twins. Now, I don't know if he meant my Irish Twins or real twins. Whatever... it is of no consequence. He also said that if I was looking for a guy, at work was not the place to look. When I told him I was married, he asked if I was cheating as I wasn't wearing my ring. I had forgotten my rings (all of my jewelry, as a matter of fact) at Aunt R's house that morning.
Anyway, Captain just got done with his French Toast breakfast (he ate mostly with a fork like a big boy) and it is Burbles' turn now. (WDW has been eating in my arms thoughout this post and is now happily positioned in his Bumbo on the floor watching Captain run around. Poor Burbles... she got up at 5am and we cuddled and she drank her bottle this morning before anyone else got up, so really, she is ahead of everyone else.
Can't wait for naptime today. I get to learn some more.
Anyone who knows me knows what a pain it is for me to be unorganized. I hate it. I need to get my stuff in order so my business can get its feet on the ground.
ALSO: PACKERS v VIKINGS tomorrow at noon. We are gathering here with some friends and family. It is sure to be a good time. As long as my boyfriend does his job tomorrow. What a man.

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