Friday, October 26, 2007

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk

I had started this post just minutes ago with a different title but the same theme. Then Burbles flung her bottle on the floor and the nipple came loose and then the formula splashed all over and spilled completely out of her bottle.
The theme for today is: I don't know what is the matter with us.
Ever since the three of us woke up today, it seems like something is wrong. The kids have been ugly and crying all day and that makes me feel ugly and (like) crying all day. They have been clingy and I don't particularly like awrnry crying clingy kids today. I guess it is just one of those days when I wish I could be anywhere but here. I usually don't have those days. I usually just love being at home with the kids and just enjoying watching them learn and grow and become who they will become. Fundi has been working overtime all this month and spending lots of time at work and not so much time here. We need the money. I'm so glad that he was able to do this this month. At the same time, it is the end of the month and I feel fried. My sanity is almost extinct and I feel like I would be happier right now working at a factory doing monotonous work (just for today). Yesterday Captain took a couple big tumbles and I wonder if that isn't the reason for his crabbiness today? Burbles seems to be drooling more than normal. I wonder if she is getting another tooth? Both of them want to take up residence on my lap. Neither of them wants to share that lap. Burbles is enjoying pulling Captain's hair and Captain keeps "patting" Burbles on the back. Before they were fighting over the strings on my hooded sweatshirt, so that had to come off. I will be so happy to have Fundi back to working just his shifts. Yeah, the money is nice, but we enjoy having him around. The kids like me better when Fundi is around. I like me better when Fundi is around. I like the kids better when Fundi is around. As I type, the kids are patting the computer in unison. They are together on my lap. They are both whining. ughhhhh... write more later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! I think it was a full moon!