Thursday, October 11, 2007


AHHH! So we watched a couple more episodes of last season's Heroes last night. And, yet again, neither of us slept well due to dramatic, disturbing, and Heroes-related dreams. We are addicted, if you can be such a thing to a TV show in such a short time (this was only episode 9 or 10). My dreams consist of people standing in doorways, my children having super-powers, people or things lurking outside waiting to get in when I finally fall asleep. This all carries over and turns into frightened insomnia. The last couple nights I haven't fallen asleep until after 2 am only to wake up for an hour with Burbles sometime later in the night and then up-and-at-'em at 7am. During the time between 10 and 2 when I am not sleeping and just lying on the bed or the couch (my cough was waking up Burbles so I got kicked out of our room) looking around to see if there is anyone or anything there. Last night I felt like a total coward. I just can't handle even the slightest drama that is scary--especially when it is unfinished. In a movie, I am able to gain closure just by finishing the end of the movie (I don't watch scary movies anyway, but the dramatic movies need to give me resolve--or else!), but in the TV world, things just don't always work out so well. From episode to episode, they leave you hanging. There is always "To Be Continued..." written in comic book type and then we just fast forward through the credits onto the next episode (sometimes up to four episodes at a crack). Thing is, a new season of Heroes has started and I am tempted not to watch them until I can watch the whole set all at once like we are doing with this set.--Netflix is GREAT! (If you want a free month long pass, let me know.)--I just can't see waiting a whole year to watch what happens next. Ugh. This wouldn't be a problem at all. I wouldn't even be watching Heroes if Kristen Bell were not going to be in this year's series. I would be contently watching Veronica Mars on the WB. That show cured my need for a thrill but wasn't soooo consuming when it came to mind-bending-sleep-depriving action/adventure. Heck, I can barely stand to pause the show to go pee. That show was more laid back with at least some closure at the end of an episode. Plus, it was drama and suspense in that oh-so-possible way. Heroes has nothing of the sort. All of it is supernatural (which some of you know is my SUPER-Weakness if there ever was one).
If I had a super-power, I don't know what I would choose. Probably something lame. I know I wouldn't choose to be able to see "things" (ghosts, other-worldly things). What would you want to have as a super-power and why?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand tv addiction. I have seen every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friends, Frasier, Sex and the City, and The Riches. Not to mention some DVR shows I have forgotten. I don't watch that much tv, but I DVR so I am able to get more in a short amount of time.