Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy to Report

I'm happy to report to you that the nights are going fairly well at this point in time. Burbles slept last night from 7:45pm until 2 this morning when she was fed the majority of a bottle and then went back to sleep at 3 and slept until 7. I didn't even have to get up and hold her in the early morning hours. I am hoping that this will continue or improve as we go on. Also, naps are going fairly well. She has been taking a morning nap and then partial afternoon naps. No propping and no sleeping with the bottle in the mouth!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! It is the waiting for everything to pass that is the hardest part. 45 minutes from a McDonalds? I guess I didn't know there were places left that could boast that. The real measure though is how far away is Wal-Mart?

Anonymous said...

Starbucks an hour away!! Until two days ago I would have died. Lucky for me my husband discovered Oregan Chai mixers at Hy-Vee. Now for the price of one Starbucks I can make over a dozen! Yeah! I can make finacial sense again;) I wanted to ask you for your e-mail and home address for x-mas cards. Drop me a line at