Thursday, October 11, 2007


OK, so if you are the slightest bit squeamish about bodily functions I suggest skipping this post.

Be forewarned.

We sometimes let the kiddies "air out" on the floor. Captain loves this as it gives him time to go around being naked, which I am convinced is the state that he would prefer to be in at all times. He used to pee A LOT all over us when we changed his diaper when he was a baby (hehe... at 17 months he isn't a baby anymore??? ha ha.). After a while, he pretty much stopped peeing on me and would only pee every time his dad took his diaper off. (If you are a dad and are reading this thinking "I would never change diapers..." GET OVER YOURSELF!!! It is your kid too. Who signed your wife on for single parenthood even if you are together. It is a fact of life so jump on in there and make her day... you don't even have to buy her diamonds!) I would hear a squawk, wonder if it was Fundi or Captain, go to check, and find Fundi with his shirt off (and sometimes his pants) undressing Captain (again) to change the pee clothes. This happened soooo often that I would purposely give Fundi a different task if I knew that we didn't have the time to change clothes at that point.
Captain no longer pees every time you remove his diaper (a usual cold-air reaction for boys after diaper removal) but he does sometimes pee when his diaper is off. The first time he did this, he looked down and saw his little guy standing up a little bit with a stream running out. He looked at it as if to say 'Oh! that is what you do. How Cool!' then he kinda giggled. I'm sure there will be more pee troubles as we go on, but that comes with the territory. They are human after all.
Then there is the tooting. With a diaper on, the tooting that my children are sooo great at sounds slightly muffled. The fragrance isn't AS bad just because a lot of it is caught in the diaper. Captain is at the age now that if he has his diaper off and he toots, he giggles and says "Toot". Fundi and I call these "Unfiltered Farts".
Burbles doesn't have the pee with cold air problem, but girls do pee when their diaper is off. That being said, they don't make quite the mess that boys do but their clothes still have to be changed. Fundi had the same effect on Burbles as he did on Captain for the first while. We currently trust Burbles a little more to the point that we have been letting her "air out" on the floor a little while she wiggles around.
This morning we took that to a whole new level... the pressure on her tummy must have felt just right and she let a long turd escape from her butt. It stayed attached (THANK GOD!) but you can imagine my surprise when I looked over and there it was UNFILTERED POOP!

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