Friday, August 31, 2007


You may have realized that it is the last day in August. The other day when A and I were walking around the Wal-Mart to pretend like we were in college again (and I had to buy some face wash and a tweezer) we stumbled upon some Halloween decorations. We were excited and started browsing and talking about Halloween. Little did we know that we were headed straight to the Christmas section. Yeah, you heard me right: CHRISTMAS. Now, to review: Wal-Mart+August=Christmas? I don't quite get it, but I just can't get over the consumer based holidays that were once religion based. I am starting to read the book Not Buying It: My year without shopping by Judith Levine (just like Alice recommended).


Anonymous said...

Let me know what you think when finished!

theotherlion said...

you were tagged.

Steven Tyler's PJs said...

I tag you again. Da-meet! I am late!