Monday, August 13, 2007

The Weekend

HI, I hope everyone had a good weekend.
This weekend was busy for us, but provided us some much needed family and bonding time. Friday night, our family went out for supper and then we went to the garden to see what was growing. Saturday, Fundi and I took off for the day while my sister-in-law watched the kids for us. Fundi and I were planning to go to a recumbant bicycle rally, but then it was supposed to be terribly hot and muggy and then it rained, so we ended up going to a Mexican restaurant that was barely mediocre and then to two and a half movies. We saw Bourne Ultimatum one and a half times (time to kill between movies) together and then jumped to Transformers (Fundi) and No Reservations (myself). Bourne was really good. Sometimes those movies move so fast that I can't catch everything. Fundi is pretty good at that though. So it was kinda nice to be able to watch the main part of the movie again to see what I hadn't been able to see the first time. I usually don't have the time to watch a movie a second time. Then I went and saw No Reservations. It was a tear jerker for sure. I will not ruin it for anyone, but it really got to me on so many different levels. I cried and cried and then got a terrible headache to the point where I was nauseous. Fundi disliked Transformers strongly.
That night on the way home, it was sprinkling and lightning. It was so cool. I enjoy watching storms--not my favorite to drive in, but watching them is neat. The lightning was stretching across the sky and fingering out. I would much rather watch lightning than fireworks, I think. Then we got home and got caught up on all that went on while we were gone. Our kids were sleeping and my sister-in-law was relaxing in the round chair watching TV and our niece was sleeping too. Everything was all in good order (we weren't worried to begin with, but you never know with Captain).
Then yesterday, we all woke up and went to church then out to the garden to fetch some zuchinis for turkey stuffing. We got home and our family hung out all day together. We played on the floor and baked a cake and had pizza for lunch. Then we made the turkey stuffing for the family picnic last night for the Knights of Columbus. We left for the picnic and spent time visiting with people from church including my dad and his girlfriend and her son. Then they came over and we played a game of Fifteen (card game that is too much fun). The kids went to bed without much ado, but Burbles was up at 2am and wanted to be held all night... AHH! so no sleep for me last night, but here we are today.
Oh, Fundi and I are watching Zodiac right now from NetFlix. It is pretty good so far, and I managed not to have any bad dreams last night, but I can't wait to watch the last hour to see what happens. Grousome!

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